Individual categories

The individual category gives you the opportunity to recognise those individuals in the business who have made a real difference.

Customer Service Agent of the Year

This category is for individuals working at advisor grade who have demonstrated exceptional levels of service and vocational competence, in either a full or part time capacity. The winner will be someone who goes above and beyond his or her day-to-day responsibilities to provide excellent customer service and support to their colleagues. Entrants must demonstrate consistently high performance as an adviser, achieve consistently strong results and make a real difference to their organisation.

Sales Agent of the Year

This category is for individuals working at advisor grade in a sales capacity. It is appropriate for agents/advisors who have demonstrated exceptional levels of sales and vocational competence, in either a full or part time capacity. Entrants must demonstrate consistently high performance as an agent/advisor, achieve consistently strong results and make a real difference to their organisation.

Team Leader of the Year

This category is open to individuals who have been employed in the role for a minimum of six months and who demonstrate exceptional leadership, first-line management skills and vocational competence, in either a full or part time capacity. The Team Leader of the Year is a professional and inspirational person who leads by example and takes responsibility for the team. They ensure their colleagues’ experience of work is always a positive one. Entrants must demonstrate strong leadership, be results oriented, with a commitment to staff development, and have evidence of guiding their team to consistently high performance.

Support Person of the Year

This category is open to non-managers employed in a support role within the contact centre in any function, for example: IT, Resource planning, administration, operations, logistics, facilities management, human resources, catering. When completing the entry consideration should be given to professionalism, performance, initiative and personal development. The support person of the year will be a shining example and entries will demonstrate how the contact centre would not the same without this person.

Support Manager of the Year

Open to individuals who have been managing a support team or function based in a contact centre (eg finance, marketing, HR, IT with the exception of Complaints as this is an individual category for 2022 ), for a minimum of six months, in either a full or part-time capacity. This award will recognise an individual who has shown exceptional leadership, innovation, broad management skills and vocational competence. The winner demonstrates consistently high performance of the support team, communicates and shares the company’s vision/mission, and combines a commitment to the delivery of organisational objectives with an efficient and effective service. The winner will have successfully implemented innovative strategies that impact positively on the team and have a commitment to the continuous improvement of staff and self.

Newcomer of the Year

This award will recognise non-managers working in a frontline role within a contact centre, who has been in post for a minimum of six months and a maximum of 12 months. The judges will be looking for evidence of exceptional vocational competence, achieving great results and making a difference within a short period of time, plus excellent interpersonal skills.

Hero of the Year

This award will recognise your shining star – someone who has gone over and above the call of duty to enhance the smooth running of the operation. Finalists in this category will not have to attend panel judging as the winner will be selected from the written entry.

Trainer/Coach of the Year

This category is seeking a professional trainer or coach who applies best practice in learning theory to deliver training and development that achieves organisational objectives. The winner will take their role extremely seriously, training is meticulously planned and learning theory is applied with precision in order to get the best out of the people. Activity is tailored to the individual’s needs but also helps achieve departmental group objectives. This person’s training programmes have made a difference not only to individuals’ career objectives and the organisation, but also the participants’ quality of life and outlook. The winner is not averse to trying innovative new techniques to train and coach employees in a controlled environment.

Contact Centre Manager of the Year

Open to individuals who have been managing personnel within a contact centre for a minimum of six months, this category looks to reward exceptional leadership, innovation, broad management skills and vocational competence in either a full or part-time capacity. The winner demonstrates exceptional leadership, ensures consistently high performance of the centre, communicates and shares the company’s vision/mission, and combines a commitment to the delivery of organisational objectives with an efficient and effective service. The winner will have successfully implemented innovative strategies that impact positively on the wider organisation and have a commitment to the continuous improvement of centre, staff and self.

Team and company categories

Companies are made up of outstanding teams. Take this opportunity to celebrate the teams throughout the business.

Special Initiatives 2024

Recognition of Initiatives introduced in an ever-challenging year where cost to service, efficiency and innovation are at the heart of service excellence, special initiatives need to be recognised. These include:

Initiative 1 - Best Transformation Programme

Recognising how an organisation has embraced and delivered a transformation programme which covers all aspects of the business including managers who have led such transformation, IT programmes, people and processes. Evidence will be required of:

  • The objectives behind the transformation
  • How the transformation was planned, implemented and monitored
  • Effective use of internal communication channels to inform staff about the transformation programme and its aims
  • The positive impact on customers, staff and operational/business performance
  • Overall results and how the transformation fits into the long-term future strategy of the business.

Initiative 2 - Diversity & Inclusion

Open to any contact centre who can demonstrate a commitment to supporting a diverse and inclusive workforce in attraction, engagement and retention. Our category is open for campaigns or initiatives that are clearly focused on improving diversity in the workplace and making the organisation accessible to people from a diverse range of backgrounds.

Initiative 3 - Mental Health in the Workplace

Recognising organisations who have truly invested time and resources into providing an open, supportive and educational environment for their team members who have experienced Mental Health challenges - personally or professionally.  Those who have gone above & beyond to drive Mental Health & Wellbeing initiatives from a human-led perspective - not just a tick box exercise.  The initiative will be judged on an organisation that sees promoting positive Mental Health as a must - proactively - not just reactively.

Initiative 4 - Best Recruitment & Retention Strategy

Recognising contact centres that best attract, select and retain talent.  Centres that can show their recruitment and retention strategies give them an advantage in this highly competitive region whilst helping to uphold a career of choice status for contact centres. The judges will be looking for examples of how your centre’s strategy not only gives a great candidate and new starter experience but ensures that your company’s values, behaviours and visions are reinforced throughout the processes.

Initiative 5 - Best Training Programme

This initiative gives an opportunity to demonstrate what training packages are on offer within the contact centre teams.  The award is open for any training initiatives offered in-house to any role e.g. Agents, Coaches, Team Leaders, Senior Management, support teams.  The winning team must be able to illustrate how your training programme is enhancing a role for the individuals within your centre.  The judges will be looking for examples of how the programme has assisted with engagement through the learning and development opportunities available, as well as a focus upon the return on investment to the organisation.

Best People Development

This award will recognise companies that successfully address ongoing development needs for individuals, departments and whole organisations to see that business needs are met. The judges will be looking for examples of how people development affects the company ethos and how it is embedded in the company culture.

Support Team of the Year

From a support function team based in a contact centre (eg finance, HR, IT), this award will recognise an initiative delivered by teams or departments. The entry needs to outline the process, the driver(s) for implementation, key performance indicators and provide evidence of positive outcomes. It must also include evidence of the impact of the initiative on the objectives and performance of the business.

Frontline Team of the Year

This category applies to all ‘Frontline Teams’ who sit directly within the contact centre and whose primary role is to engage with customers (B2B or B2C) service or sales. This may include (but not exclusive to) a specialist team such as escalations or a team of advisors within a larger centre, a team looking after a specific account, product or service. Consideration should be given to team spirit, performance against targets and objectives, the team’s biggest achievements in the past 6-12 months, innovation and leadership.

Best Customer Engagement

This award recognises how you deliver exceptional levels of service to your customers and should include details of how you measure customer engagement – targets, performance against targets, KPIs, etc. Evidence can also include details of a multi-channel approach eg: via digital, social, voice and web.

Best People Engagement

This will be presented to a centre that puts its staff at the heart of the operation. The successful centre shows that front line people are the focus of the business. Your entry should include details of:
  • Special initiatives to promote employee engagement
  • Health and wellbeing practices
  • Evidence should include photographs, KPIs on performance improvement through engagement, plus sickness and retention rates.

Best Hybrid Working Programme

Open to both in house and outsource contact centres, this category embraces contact centres who have built hybrid working into the ‘main frame’ of their respective operation who are able to demonstrate that they have released the potential of hybrid working by creating a positive hybrid working culture within the business. The programme will reflect the provision of outstanding customer service through its hybrid teams with tangible results reflected in CSAT/NPS and how such teams have positively underpinned the business in terms of the Customer Journey and Customer Satisfaction despite often dealing with unpredictable demand. Of particular interest will be the Communications Plan or infrastructure which is in place to support both the Leaders managing their hybrid teams and the advisors for maximum inclusion, productivity and engagement. The programme should give tangible evidence of attracting or developing talent in the hybrid teams, reflecting how such talent has been attracted outside of the normal geographical recruitment area, showing evidence of how this has had a positive effect on the recruitment strategy within the business. Managing Hybrid Teams and what is in place to do so will be of particular interest, how the teams have been empowered to work in their hybrid capacity with the positive impact this has achieved on engagement and retention, releasing the potential of the teams. Key to any Hybrid Programmes is the Resilience build in terms of IT infrastructure, supporting Compliance and Data Protection as such these factors need to be demonstrated along with the successes achieved by the programme on all operational levels including any efficiency gains for the business.

Best Contact Centre Culture

This new category is all about the culture of the Contact Centre. You will be required to demonstrate you have a focus on your people, providing them with great and healthy places to work, learning opportunities, engaging environments, career opportunities, great diversity and inclusion practices, recognition and reward and a real sense of community and purpose. You will be required to demonstrate evidence of the culture across the contact centre and demonstrate how this impacts on the customer experience, the overall performance of the contact centre operation and wider business. This will include any accreditations for excellence in delivery.

Contact Centre of the Year categories

Contact Centre of the Year IN-HOUSE

This award is attributed to an in-house contact centre that demonstrates leading practice for both staff and customers. The judges will be focusing on two areas:
  • How you are an employer of choice? The entry should outline your recruitment strategies, what makes you an employer of choice, your commitment to training and development and how you provide a great physical environment to work in.
  • How does your centre underpin the running of the overall business?Please include evidence of how the centre contributes to the wider business, how the centre delivers world class service to its customers and what makes the centre an extraordinary place to work in.

Contact Centre of the Year OUTSOURCED

This category is for an outsourced contact centre with a highly successful business relationship with their client. To be successful in this category you must demonstrate: A clear understanding of your client’s aims and objectives. How you’ve helped them through the effective and professional delivery of a range of services. How you’ve implemented two-way communication channels between the outsourcing front line and client decision makers. Evidence of effective integration, investment in client relationship and transparency. Please address the following questions/requirements:
  • Demonstrate your understanding of your client’s aims and objectives and how you’ve worked together to fulfil these successfully.
  • Provide two examples of how you’ve helped them through the effective and professional delivery of a range of services.
  • How have you implemented two-way communication channels between the outsourcing front line and client decision makers.
  • Provide evidence of effective integration, investment in client relationship and transparency.